Dr. James “Jim” DuCanto, M.D. is an Anesthesiologist in private practice for the past 24 years in Wisconsin who is, for lack of a better description, obsessed with airway management innovation and teaching.
His recent innovations include the SALAD technique and Simulation System for airway decontamination from Nasco, the SSCOR DuCanto Suction Catheter, a large bore hyper curved rigid suction catheter from SSCOR, Inc., and the SEADUC, the first fully manual suction unit capable of performing the SALAD Technique from EM Innovations.
Jim ran the Anesthesiology clerkship for medical students and residents at the Advocate-Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 2004 to 2020, and has recently accepted the position of Medical Director of the Mid-State Technical College’s EMS Program in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. His attitude toward work life balance is simple - “Balance is achieved when you take self-care seriously, and you do everything you can at work to learn and improve yourself.”