#45September 23, 20211 hf 13 min

Venture Capital is a Long Term Game

Dr. Branden Rosenhan
Dr. Branden Rosenhan

Branden Rosenhan is the founder and Managing Partner of MedMountain Ventures and board-certified critical care physician leader with over a dozen years of clinical experience in internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, pulmonary and critical care medicine. He is an entrepreneur, bioengineer, and inventor with more than a dozen applications and issued patents listing him as an inventor. After his pulmonary/critical care fellowship at University of Utah, Branden worked a year at Intermountain, and then for more than five years as an ICU facility and regional medical director for HCA Healthcare. He was HCA’s premier intermountain and far west region ICU leader working in California, Nevada, and Utah and managing over 50 ICU physicians.

In addition to his medical expertise Branden is a successful entrepreneur, and inventor who started PenBlade Inc., a venture backed medtech device that successfully sold to Tidi Products. Branden has also co-founded many other companies that have found venture funding and success. He is also an angel investor with SLC Angels.

As a bioengineer, physician and entrepreneur Branden brings a unique insight and loves helping founders work through challenges, tell their story and raise capital from day zero. Branden earned a B.S. from Arizona State University (mega cum laude) and M.D from University of Utah. In his spare time he enjoys playing tennis or watching his eldest daughter compete on the tennis court. He resides in Salt Lake City with his wife and four daughters.

Links and Mentions

Venture Fund: https://mmv.vc/

Rosenhan PenBlade Invention

Rosenhan Critical Care Inventions