OB Needed in East-Central Indiana
Boards Accepted
- Beds:330
- Deliveries: approx 1200 /year
- Unassigned 39
- NICU: Level III
- Level III Trauma Center
- EMR: Cerner & FetalLink
- Shifts: 8am-8am, no consecutive shifts
- No CNMs
- Certified Surgical Assists available 18 hrs. (3a-6a)
- L&D nurses also available
- Anesthesia- in house 24/7
- Specialties: Neonatology- 24/7, MFM-24/7, Ultrasound-bedside-24/47, interventional radiologist- 24/7, anesthesia-24/7
- 1 MD model 24/7
- Credentialing process: 90-120 days
- Prefer 3 yrs. post residency & recent OB/Gyn skills
- Who would be responsible for the high risk patients: When the MFM is not available, we are responsible for the high risk patients. If there are questions about management outside our level of comfort, Dr. Landwehr is available by phone or he has coverage from the MFM’s at the IU academic center.
- Requires Privs? Yes
- Allows Temp Privs? No
- App process can occur w/pending license, DEA, or CS? No"
Anticipated Start
Jan 6, 2025
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